Directed by Nikhil Advani, the Bollywood Rom-Com revolves around eccentric Payal (Kangana Ranaut) and adorable Madhav aka Maddy (Imran Khan) who are enjoying every bit of their live-in relationship since the past 5 years. Full of fun,inane & bizarre episodes, the love boat is sailing through fine, crossing all the wavy bumps coming in their Sarfira romantic ocean. Until One Fine Day, a sudden storm tears the boat apart as Payal leaves Maddy .
Will Maddy roll out Sau Aasoon (tears) Over Janiya’s (love) sudden departure or would it be vice-versa? 😉
Don’t’ miss out the mad rushy love as Katti Batti releases worldwide today-18th September 2015. Check out the photo for session timings in a threater across Australia.
We met the Katti Batti team-Nikhil, Kangana & Imran, at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2015, we loved when they shared the full of fun span of film making and we can only wait to watch the movie. What’s more, they released the clip of their new song ‘Sarfira’ at the festival, which only left the crowd more excited for the upcoming movie.
BYSQ recommends their personal favourites: The motion video of ‘Lip-to-lip’, hotness & calmness of Imran; & Kangana’s fashionable look & ventures (apart from her acting) as she continues to reign as the Queen of our hearts.
Here is a sneak peak of the movie:
Source: UTV Motion Pictures
Film Distribution(ANZ ): Mind Blowing Films
Starring: Kangana Ranaut, Imran Khan
Direction: Nikhil Advani
Producer: Siddharth Roy Kapur
Banner: UTV Motion Pictures, Emmay Entertainment Production
Music: Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance.
Language: Hindi.
Lip to lip, Sarfira ,Sau Aasoon ,Ove janiya and Jaago jaago mohan pyaare
Source: UTV Motion Pictures